Explorer Scouts
Explorer Scouts are young people, aged between 14 and 18 years old. They make up the fifth section of the Scouting family after Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Structure and meetings
A group of Explorer Scouts is called a Unit, and within Exeter, we have the one District Unit known as ‘ISCA’. We meet every Monday evening either at the District HQ or at various locations across the City, with a water based sub section ‘SWAT’ meeting fortnightly on a Tuesday. The entire Unit membership, which ranges between 70-100 young people, meets once a month at its Core Night, normally the first calendar Monday of the month.
As an Explorer Scout within ‘ISCA’, the young person is entitled to join the Young Leader programme, DoE Club, Ten Tors Group, Exeter Gang Show, Exeter District Shooting Club plus the wide range of activities provided within the weekly Unit programme. The Explorer Scout can pick & chose which activities to attend, with the only required attendance being the monthly Core Night.
Additionally, there are a range of ambitious scout badges and awards including the Queen Scout Award, through which Explorers can demonstrate their proficiencies and expand their interests.
How do I join Explorer Scouts?
To join ‘ISCA’ Explorers please email us at explorers@scouts-exeter.org.uk
Richard Ball – District Explorer Scout Commissioner
Photos from Explorers in 2023
Exeter Cathedral
View inside the Cathedral